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Whether you are planning to dig post holes for a new fence, plant some trees or make repairs to the foundation of your home, find out where the underground utilities are before you start digging. Hitting underground utilities is a safety hazard and can be costly to repair. Knowing where they are will help you plan how to dig safely near them or know what areas of your yard to avoid.
Our safety experts have provided the following information so you know where you can dig safely and where you need to dig with extra care.
We respond to incidents every year where homeowners or their contractors have contacted underground utility lines. Hitting an underground utility line, like power or natural gas, is dangerous. It can even be fatal. If a utility line is damaged you will likely experience an outage to your service and repairs can be time consuming and expensive, and under Ontario regulations, you could be held liable for all of it.
Red paint and flags are used to mark power lines, yellow marks natural gas lines, blue marks water lines, and green marks sewer lines.
Homeowners often ask how deep they can dig without getting utility locates?
Our answer is always the same - for any project, get locates before you start digging. As weather conditions and temperatures change, the ground settles and expands. This settling and expanding can also change the depth and location of the utility lines going to your home. If you need to dig within one metre of marked underground utility lines, ensure you or your contractor is taking every safety precaution to do it safely.
Use a shovel, not mechanical equipment: When digging within one metre of a utility line, the safest tool to use is a shovel with a curved blade. Do not use any mechanical tool. For example, never use a power auger to dig fence posts within one metre of the underground utility line locate marks.
Expose the line: We recommend exposing the utility line first. The ground could have shifted and moved the line slightly off from where the markings are. Once the utility lines are exposed you can see where they are and avoid hitting them when placing your fence posts or trees.
If you are excavating around your home's foundation, trenching, or digging for any other reason, you must call before you dig and get utility locates.
The same guidelines above apply for utilities near your excavation site. Do not use mechanical equipment within 1 metre of underground utility lines.
If you have hired a contractor, ensure they have the utilities located and marked.
If you've hit a utility line or think you might have:
Utility locating is a free service.
Click before you dig or call Ontario One Call at 1-800-242-3447 to find out where the utility lines are located in your yard. The service will mark the location of power, water, drainage, natural gas, internet, and cable television lines on your property with coloured paint and flags. This service can take up to a week after you make the call.