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This is to provide notification that EDTI (EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc.) has provided aggregated information listing the site count and total consumption for all sites greater than 250 mWh at a cost of $0.00/report.
3. Net System Load
Load settlement systems must have the capability to accommodate profiling classes split from NSLS, based on load research or deemed methods. The net system load (NSL) shall be calculated for each hour as:
(Total system load) – [(Sum of interval metered customers) + (Sum of deemed loads) + (Sum of loads for load-research-based profiled classes) + (Sum of known losses)]
Net System Load Shape
NSLS for a period is calculated by dividing the hourly NSL by the sum over hours in the period of the NSL.
4. Loss Method
Loss calculation procedures and specific factors used in the calculations will be clearly reported to Retailers and to client WSPs at all times. Any changes to these procedures will be announced ninety days in advance to allow Retailers reasonable time to adjust their supply and sales contracts.
Rate Class | Tariff Factor | Tariff Rate Code |
Residential | 3.00% | EDM_R |
Small Commercial | 3.00% | EDM_SC |
Medium Commercial | 3.00% | EDM_MC |
150 to 4,999 kVA | 3.00% | EDM_TOU |
Direct Connects | 0.00% | EDM_DC |
150 to 4,999 kVA - Primary | 3.00% | EDM_TOUP |
>5,000 kvA - Primary (CS) | See Below | EDM_CS |
CST | 0.10% | EDM_CST |
Street Lights | 3.00% | EDM_SL |
Traffic Lights | 3.00% | EDM_TL |
Lane Lights | 3.00% | EDM_LL |
Security Lights | 3.00% | EDM_SEL |
For information on loss factor percentages for Customer Specific sites, please refer to the latest System Access Service Tariff Schedule.
5. Meter Read Completion Percentages